Saturday, July 30, 2016

 Amber Rose Gave 18 Most Badass Pieces Of Advice

It takes time for most people to truly discover who they are and why they are here. But when once that is done, we start living our life with true purpose. Here is one such discovery from Amber Rose with some pieces of advice for all of us.

1. You are Not Defined By Your Sex Or Beauty.

"Your sex appeal or beauty isn't defined by anyone else... you are your own audience, your own V.I.P."

2. You Need To Grow up

"I think I needed time to grow up. You get to a certain point in your life where you really find out who you are, and sometimes that happens when you're 25, but for me, it was 31. I didn't quite know that before. I guess social media did help create the feminist monster that I've become."

3. Appreciate Nature

"I think people think that once you become a mom you're a f*cking nun and you're not allowed to be sexy anymore or have sex or date people or live your life. Once you have a baby, you have to put on a cardigan and become a teacher. It doesn't work like that. You live your life for your baby and you raise your child to be the best person they can possibly be, but you also don't lose yourself in the process. I can't live my life for the internet. I live my life for me."

4. Take your Stand

"Don't ever sleep with a guy because you feel you should or you have to in order to make him like you."

5. Everybody Is Beautiful

"I could see the beauty in any and everybody. I've always been that way. What defines beauty? Self-confidence. You know, everybody likes something, so it shouldn't be society's standards."

6. Have A Reason For Every Encounter

On sleeping with someone for your career: "There's a time and a place for everything. I'm all for girls feeling free to sleep with whoever they want to, but a moment like that isn't about getting some. It's about being a bad bitch and laying the groundwork for more connections and income."

7. Make A Decision

"If you really like a guy, ask him out."

8. Don't Always Revenge 

"Even if someone does me dirty I still never want to throw dirt on their name. It's just not me. I let go and let God."

9. Know What You Send Out

"Never, ever send nude photos to a guy. When I say never, I mean f*cking never."

10. Wear What You like

"Chyna, a mom can wear whatever the fuck she wants. We are moms 24/7/365 even if we're at the club having a good time or when we wanna dress sexy (She's not even topless) Lol and Guess what we are still moms for the rest of our lives and we love our children more than anything in this world but moms are also sexual beings too duh how do u think u got here? I'll wait. Anyway shout out to my sis Blac Chyna for being a MILF, Living Life to the fullest, being a young entrepreneur and not conforming to Society's Double Standards ‪

11. Know Your Worth

"Don't settle for a booty call unless that's all you really want to be."

12. Facts About Dating

"Dating is not going over to a guy's house and chilling with his friends while they drink beer and play video games."

13. Don't Act Cheap

"If he's not interested, he's not interested. There truly is a guy out there for everyone. But if he does text you, don't text him back for 10 minutes. You're busy, ladies."

14. Stick To Your Man

"A bad bitch never messes with another woman's man."

15.  Make Your Own Choice

"I believe that you can love anyone. I've had relationships with women, I've had relationships with men. I don't think you should be judged based on who you find attractive. Especially guys -- gay men, they really have it hard sometimes."

16. Be Confident 

"Fearlessness is what's attractive to most people, rather than being a size two or having the latest purse or driving a tricked-out car."

17. Learn To Say No

"A bad bitch uses condoms." If he says no: "Tell him to go f*ck himself."

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