Thursday, June 30, 2016

Why Most New Year's Resolutions Don't Work.

Do you know how most people are waiting for December 31, of the Year to jump on social media and start yelling their New Year's Resolutions? We have been doing this year-in, year-out. But still lett with the same results; haven't loss the weight, haven't gotten out of debt and get rich, haven't traveled the world...! Sounds familiar? Now Half the year is gone! Just curious, how are your 2016 Resolutions going? 

Here is why I urge you not to make New Year's Resolutions:

The fireworks have gone off, the champagne corks have been popped. We're officially in 2016.
How are you getting on with those New Year resolutions? You know, the ones you make every year? Like making strides to pursue a new job opportunity or finally start exercising?
Except it doesn't happen. After a little while, just like every year before this one, you ditch your resolutions and go back to the same old routine.
And you aren't alone. Apparently, 25% of people who make New Year's resolutions give up after a week. So here are three reasons why you shouldn't waste your time on a New Year's resolution.
1. Your Resolution Is Too Big.
Most of us tend to make New Year's resolutions without actually being aware that they are usually long term goals that require a significant amount of time and effort to accomplish. You might want to lose 10 kg, get a better job, or completely change your lifestyle. These are great long-term goals, and everyone should have something they want to accomplish over time. However, these aren't great permanent resolutions. You will quickly become overwhelmed and realize that your resolution isn't attainable in the immediate future.
Don't make these long-term goals your New Year's resolution. You're doomed once you put a yearlong time stamp on it. More appropriate resolutions would be to "start reading more" or to "eat a fruit once a day." You’re more likely to stick to these small resolutions.
2. You Aren't Truly Motivated
Most of us have a social / societal tendency to make New Year's resolutions because it's the popular thing to do, or because we want social acceptance from others. This is why we post our resolutions on Facebook or go to a busy gym with other people who made resolutions.
This might give people the initial push to start their resolution. It's difficult to convince yourself to start a goal, and it's great that people use this to get out of bed and go to the gym. But you don't want to use social acceptance as the base of your goal, because you'll stop doing it once the judgmental eyes of your peers turn away from you.
Goals are about improving yourself. This should be something that comes from intrinsic motivation that you want to do for yourself. If the motivation comes from yourself, then you will stick with your goal because you don't need anyone else to notice. You will notice, and that's all that matters.
3. Decision Fatigue
Finally, know this: it's really hard to maintain a steady level of self-control. Decision fatigue is a phenomenon that correlates with ego depletion. It basically means that you start to lose your motivation in a decision as time goes on. This happens because your mental energy is finite and can't sustain the same motivation you had when you first made a decision. You start to question your decision and try to find ways around it.
This causes most people to give up on their New Year's resolution. They only make the decision because of the time of year, and they aren't truly motivated. Decision fatigue kicks in, and before you know it, you decide to cancel your gym membership.
So… should you give up making or setting goals? Of course not! What you should be doing differently, though, is to make goals when the time is right. And sometimes, the right time is simply now. You don’t have to wait for a significant occasion like New Year’s or your birthday to begin working on attaining your goals. New Year's might feel like a great time to take a stand, but you're better served waiting until you're more fully committed – mentally, physically, and spiritually.
There is only one New Year, but each and every day is born with new opportunity. If yesterday’s attitude didn’t work for us, we can change it today. When we seal a resolution in our heads as static markers for an entire year, we give ourselves the message of “just one chance.” This life is full of a million and more chances. They are yours. Start over every day. Do the best you can. Start over again.
Set your intention daily. Visualize what you want it to look like. Try to shift your perspective on things in your day that will make it better.
24 hours at a time is an easy way to approach changes. Take baby steps. Realistically, whatever lasts a whole year anyway? #LegacyBuilders2016 

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

 Celebrity Workouts Made Easy!

One of the biggest reasons many people, especially beginners, give up on regular fitness training is the lack of motivation. One of the best to overcome this and keep your motivation up is to work out with a buddy. When you make plans to meet at the gym to train with your buddy, unless you're of a particular disposition which we do not advocate or an emergency occurs, you'll actually show up! It's one thing to cancel plans with yourself but it's another to cancel on your friend—someone who's counting on you. Instead of bailing and letting down your friend, you're much more likely to meet your friend for a planned workout session at, say 6 pm after work, compared to tentative plans you made with yourself. After three or four weeks, once you're in the habit, you won't even think about canceling on your friend.
And let's face it:working out isn't always the top of mind way to pass time, especially if you're just starting out on a fitness program. Moreover, most beginners to fitness tend to have little to no knowledge and still think the treadmills and the machines are the ‘time honored' traditional ways of training which aren't necessarily the most exciting ways to get fit. With a partner, you can get your heart racing in more interesting ways. You can take turns leading new movements that each of you has learned, or cheering your partner to do “just one more rep”. Whenever you're working out with someone else, the intensity is always going to be greater than when you're alone. You don't want to be the weak one who can't keep up, your best bud would never let you live it down! One key tip when picking your partner, though, is that your athletic abilities should ideally be about the same. A more seasoned gym rat won't get as much out of working out with a newbie. When you're both on the same level, you can push each other to go a little longer if your gym buddy is still at it.
So, now that you've persuaded your best mate to hit the gym with you, what can you guys do when you're there? How about these movements for a full body workout:
 Move 1: Body-Weight Squat
(A) Stand facing your partner at arm’s length with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. Grasp your partner’s forearms.
(B) Maintaining a secure grip, lean back slightly as you both squat down until your thighs are about parallel to the floor. Pause for three seconds, then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 12 times.

Move 2: Reach-and-Touch Plank
Lie on your stomach, facing your partner. Keep elbows under shoulders, palms flat on floor, and toes tucked under. Using your abdominals, elevate your torso and reach forward with your right hand to touch your partner’s right hand. Switch arms. Gently lower your body back to the ground. That’s one repetition; complete 12 total.

Move 3: Split Lunge
Stand facing your partner at arm’s length, grasping forearms. Stagger your feet, left foot behind the right. Slowly bend your knees into a lunge position, so your right thigh is parallel to the floor. Pause for three seconds, then slowly return to the starting position. Complete 12 reps, then switch legs and repeat.

Move 4: Triceps Extension
Face your partner, right foot in front of the left, holding one end of an exercise band in your right hand. (Your partner holds the other in her left.)
(A) Contract your abs and bend forward at your hips with your knees slightly bent.
(B) Slowly straighten your arm to pull back the band, then return to start. Complete 12 reps, then switch arms and repeat.

Move 5: Push-Up With Shoulder Tap
(A) Face your partner in a modified push-up position.
(B) Bend your arms to lower your body toward the ground.
(C) Push back up to the starting position, lift your right hand, and tap your partner on the left shoulder. (Your partner taps your left shoulder with her right hand.) Complete 12 reps, switching hands each time.
One of the things I have learned in my working out is what I give my body immediately after working out. I avoid all artificial/processed sugars. I love my home recipe from my mom with natural sugars from nothing but fruits. Here is one:

Coconut Papaya Smoothie

#beLEANforLIFErecipe – Coconut Papaya Smoothie

Keep working and stay Healthy. #MentorForHealth101 #FongangMbanwei

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Celebrity 9 Key Workout Tips

With all the hard work that goes behind the scene in producing and maintaining good and better arts, most celebrities are always compelled to stay fit all the time. Here are some simple workout tips most celebrities are using to build and maintain their healthy lifestyle.

1. Pilates101

If your fitness goal is long, lean, sculpted muscles, Pilates is the perfect solution. While it focuses on core...

2. Stretches in 7 Minutes to Ease Lower Back Pain

We tend to think that only those who lead sedentary lives, like office workers who spend literally hours seated at their desks, experience lower back pains. However, even those who are incredibly active can be prone to such conditions. Stiffness, aches or spasms in the lower back are a common affliction and the following stretches will help keep your back fit and strong.

3. The hamstring floor stretch

The hamstring floor stretch

Hold for 30 seconds twice for each leg.

4. Knee to chest stretch

Knee to chest stretch

This helps strengthen and relax your glutes. Hold for 20 seconds for each leg twice

5. Spinal stretch

Spinal stretch

This is particularly useful for those suffering from sciatica. Hold for 20 seconds and repeat on the other knee. Do this as many times as you like but don't over do it.

6. The piriformis stretch

The piriformis stretch

Hold for 30 seconds and repeat with the other leg.

7. The hip flexors stretch

The hip flexors stretch

  1. Hold for 30 seconds and then switch and repeat.

  2. 8. The quadriceps lying down stretch
The quadriceps lying down stretch

  1. Hold for 30 seconds on each side. Do this one twice on each side.

  2. 9. The total back stretch
The total back stretch

Hold this for 30 seconds and then try this:

The total back stretch both sides

Hold for 10 seconds on both sides.

Let Hear How It Works for You In Your Comments Box Below. Feel Free To Share.#Legacybuilders2016 #LegacyBuilders